Birth is a Big Deal

Cranial Sacral Therapy Home Visits for Newborns through 12 weeks

Bodywork for a Baby?!

(What is Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) & How does it work?)

Birth, under the best of circumstances, is a huge event.

CST is a type of bodywork that involves the application of extremely gentle touch to support movement and function throughout the body, including: gross motor tasks like the movement of head, neck, and spine; smaller motor skills like the effective use of the tongue; and micro-movements like those of the cranial nerves, all of which in combination help baby master the skills required for eventual crawling.

Especially Helpful for:

  • Torticollis (when babies tend to look one way significantly more than the other)

    CST gently unwinds the places in the spine where there is rotation

  • Plagiocephaly (when part of head is flat)

    Molding the head shape is possible with babies and there are also exercises parents can do to help

  • Breast Feeding challenges

    Some babies need support to latch securely. They may have tight necks and shoulders that inhibit comfortable breastfeeding. Others may hold tension in the throat and mouth where the tongue connects. For those infants who need a tongue tie revision, CST can help both before and after the procedure to enhance its success.

  • Digestion/Colic/Birth Trauma

  • For babies with digestive challenges or those who are who are uncomfortable on their tummies, CST helps them discover more space along the front of their bodies. Gentle cranial touch can also help soothe newborns who experience difficulties with sleep or relaxation after birth. Babies seem to recognize cranial touch as the subtle cues they experienced in the womb and organically respond with relaxation to create space where their little bodies are holding tension.

    I also Incorporate

  • Tummy Time via TummyTime! Method (created by Michelle Emanuel, OTR)

  • Haller Method for Primary Reflex Integration (created by Maxine Haller, OTR)

Sessions are provided at-home (Westside) and follow-up sessions are available.

Travel fee assessed for locations beyond Westside.